Meet Anjali

It’s official: I’m running for New Mexico House of Representatives! It is imperative that the next state Representative for District 18 honors and builds upon retiring Majority Leader Gail Chasey’s legacy of action-oriented and justice-centered public service. I’m ready to do just that. For over a decade, I’ve worked to transform models of healthcare and healing in New Mexico.  As Executive Director of Casa de Salud, I practice primary care and addiction treatment at a non-profit integrative clinic in the South Valley that serves patients who are uninsured, on Medicaid, or hail from immigrant, queer/transgender, and other historically marginalized communities. I have collaborated with Senators and Reps. at the Roundhouse on legislation to expand addiction treatment to incarcerated populations as well as to expand health access for New Mexicans at large.

Presently, there are no physicians among the 70 Reps. who comprise the state House. I’m running to bring the vital knowledge and experience I’ve gained on the ground to the Legislature and amplify the voices of our community. I’m running to fight for creative, upstream, and intersectional solutions to some of our biggest structural and collective challenges. I’m running because, here in New Mexico, we take care of each other and lead with love. And I’m running because I believe in a vision in which the future of New Mexico belongs to all of us. Find out more about me here.

In gratitude and solidarity,

– Anjali


Gerald Ortiz y Pino State Senator
District 12

Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
State Senator
District 16

Martin Hickey
State Senator
District 20

Diane Denish

Former Lieutenant Governor

Adriann Barboa Bernalillo County Commissioner
District 3

Eleanor Chavez
State Representative
District 26

Cristina Parajón
State Representative
District 25

Micaela Lara Cadena
State Representative
District 33

Heather Benavidez
APS Board of Education

Georgene Louis former State Representative
District 26

Cynthia Hall
former Public Regulation Commissioner

These are just a few of Anjali's endorsements! Click HERE for her complete list.