Meet Anjali Taneja, MD MPH

Right now, New Mexico stands at a crossroads. The challenges facing our state are multifaceted and historically rooted. Effective policy recognizes that vibrant, thriving communities are built on intersectional frameworks. All too often, our health, safety, education systems, and economic opportunities are positioned as separate arenas unto themselves when, in fact, they are inextricably interlinked. 

Policy success also foregrounds the input, wisdom, and perspectives of the stakeholders most viscerally familiar with the nuances of an issue. Our solutions must be creative, upstream, and oriented around the practical knowledge of the voices on the ground. As a wise Congresswoman once put it: “the people closest to the pain should be the people closest to the power.” It’s a simple but all too rarely implemented approach to legislative priorities: innovation is about collaboration with community and centering knowledge gleaned from lived experience in the lawmaking process.


Health is the foundational cornerstone of thriving societies and directly influences almost every major aspect of our lives, from financial security to collective well being and community safety. With over a decade and a half invested on the ground working shoulder to shoulder with the uninsured, patients on Medicaid, and neighbors from marginalized communities, Dr. Taneja has deep fluency in the complexities of health policy. Her expertise is not merely academic but informed and textured by the gravity of direct care to patients. From treating gunshot wounds in emergency rooms to holding the hands of queer and transgender New Mexicans who have traveled from the far corners of the state for gender-affirming care, Anjali brings with her a profound understanding of the repercussions of legislation upon our lives.  In the House, she will use her singular background to develop strategies for: 

Amid intensifying opioid and fentanyl epidemics, it is imperative that treatment is readily available for New Mexicans grappling with addiction. Dr. Taneja will prioritize navigability and accessibility of treatment for neighbors by:

Community Safety

Politics as usual won’t build a safer Albuquerque. As a physician, Dr. Taneja sees the impact of ineffective policy on the bodies of her patients every day. The status quo simply won’t cut it. That’s why Anjali will champion comprehensive, creative solutions that address the root causes of our enduring community safety crisis. In the legislature, she will work to advance authentic accountability and transformative justice by:

Economic Justice

Income inequality and disparities in wealth are starker now than ever before. As inflation soars, hundreds of thousands of families across the Land of Enchantment face daunting housing costs and our state continues to grapple with one of the highest poverty rates in the nation. Working New Mexicans shouldn’t have to settle for a paradigm that puts profits over people. Dr. Taneja recognizes the imperative of creating a new economy that reflects a vision of a New Mexico that belongs to all of us. As your State Representative, Anjali will:


All New Mexicans have a right to clean air, potable water, fertile soil, and secure food. We must honor that right with bold, concrete plans, not wishful thinking. The health of our natural and lived environments are too important for incremental change. Healthier communities are safer communities but all too often, low-income communities and communities of color are hit hardest by the fallout from climate change and fossil fuel pollution.  In the New Mexico House, Dr. Taneja will fight to safeguard public and sacred lands as well as our abundant natural treasures by:

Reproductive Rights

As the only candidate for the Legislature in memory who has provided abortion care, Dr. Taneja actualizes reproductive justice for New Mexicans every day. After efforts on the national stage in recent years to dismantle vital rights, we need expertise gleaned from providing direct care more than ever in the policymaking process. But electing pro-choice Democrats is merely a starting point, not a finish line. Following the 2021 repeal of the 1969 abortion ban by the New Mexico Legislature, legislators have a critical opportunity to affirmatively strengthen and expand reproductive justice. In the New Mexico House, Anjali will spearhead efforts to ensure that abortion, birth control, and pregnancy support are safe, affordable, and accessible to all by: